Still Well in Abyss!

Still Well in Abyss!


In the depths of the ocean's embrace,

Where the pressure is great,

Where few dare to venture so low,

Is where I dare to go.

The abyss is a world unknown,

With creatures that have yet to be shown,

Yet I descend, ever so bold,

With a heart of gold.

The weight of the water surrounds,

But my spirit remains unbound,

For I know I am still well in the abyss,

Where adventure and mystery exist.

Dark and mysterious, cold and deep,

Yet within me, my soul does keep,

A sense of calm, a sense of peace,

In the depths, where fears do cease.

So I dive, further down,

With each stroke, my courage is found,

For I am still well in the abyss,

Where wonders and mysteries persist.

And when I return to the shore,

With tales of adventure to explore,

I will look back, with a smile so wide,

And know that I am still well in the tide.

Chapter 1: The Wrecked Treasure Ship

It was the age of Great Discovery. The world was full of wonder and adventure, as brave men and women set out to explore the unknown and uncover its secrets. On one such voyage, a ship carrying a vast treasure sailed across the Atlantic ocean, its passengers filled with excitement and anticipation.

As they sat down to a grand feast in the ship's dining hall, they reveled in their success and looked forward to returning home to their families and loved ones, their ship overflowing with the riches they had acquired on their journey. But just as they began to enjoy their meal, a massive storm struck the ship, tossing it wildly from side to side and battering it with relentless waves.

Despite the efforts of the crew, the ship was powerless against the fury of the storm, and it eventually foundered and sank to the bottom of the ocean, taking the treasure and all aboard with it. And so, the ship and its passengers were lost to the abyss, the great unknown, never to be seen or heard from again.

"Mom! Dad! Where are you?! Please answer me!" One woman cried out, desperately searching for her parents in the chaotic storm. The ship was tossing and turning, and she was struggling to stay afloat. "Someone help me! Please!"

But little did they know, the tale of their journey and the treasure they carried was far from over. For centuries to come, people would hear whispers of the lost ship and its cursed treasure, and many brave souls would set out to find it and claim its riches for their own. And it was on one such journey that Justin, a scholar and professor, would embark on his own quest for the truth about the age of Great Discovery and the lost treasure that lay waiting for him at the bottom of the sea.

Chapter 2: The Discovery

Justin was a history professor and a scholar of the Great Age of Discovery. He spent most of his days in his office, surrounded by books and maps, trying to uncover the secrets of the past.

Justin who had spent years exploring the depths of the ocean in search of treasure. He had seen many incredible things in his travels, but nothing quite like what he saw on this particular day.

One day, as he was deep in his studies, he came across a manuscript about a lost treasure ship. The ship was said to have gone down with a vast amount of gold and precious gems, and the manuscript contained a map that showed the location of the wreck.

Intrigued, Justin began to do more research and soon became obsessed with finding the lost treasure. He poured over maps and charts, trying to piece together the clues and determine the exact location of the wreck.

Justin stumbled upon a clue that led him to believe he had found the wreckage of the long-lost treasure ship. With a burst of excitement, he cried out, "Eureka!"

Chapter 3: The Journey

Finally, after months of research, Justin was convinced that he had found the location of the lost treasure ship. He gathered a team of fellow scholars and set out on a journey to find the wreck and recover its riches.

As they journeyed deeper into the ocean, Justin couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. He had devoted so much of his life to studying the Age of Discovery, and now he was about to make a discovery of his own.

As Justin and his team descended into the depths, they noticed a shimmering object in the distance. They swam towards it, and as they got closer, they realized it was the treasure chest they had been seeking.

"Eureka!" he exclaimed. "I've hit the jackpot! This must be the treasure from the shipwreck I've been searching for.”

Excited by their find, Justin and his team opened the chest and reached in to grab as much treasure as they could carry. Suddenly, the chest began to shake, and before they knew it, they were being pulled down into the depths.

As Justin opened the chest, he gasped in amazement at the glittering treasure within. He lifted the heavy chest with a grin, feeling the thrill of discovery run through his veins.

As he carried the treasure towards the surface, he couldn't help but feel transported back in time to the Age of Great Discovery. He imagined himself as one of the great explorers, discovering new lands and treasures beyond the horizon.

Chapter 4: The Serendipitous Savior

Justin had always been fascinated by the stories of the great Age of Discovery. So when he was offered the opportunity to lead an underwater exploration team to search for a lost treasure ship, he jumped at the chance. They had been searching for days when suddenly, Justin found himself separated from the rest of his team. He was lost in the dark depths of the ocean, surrounded by murky waters and towering cliffs.

As he swam deeper into the unknown, he saw a figure lying motionless on the ocean floor. He immediately knew that something was wrong and swam over to check. To his surprise, he found a beautiful young woman lying there, her hair and dress flowing gently in the current. Her eyes were blank, and she seemed to be in a trance. Justin realized that she must have been trapped underwater for a long time, and he felt a strong urge to help her.

He carefully lifted her up and brought her to the surface, reviving her with oxygen. The young woman's eyes finally came to life, and she looked at Justin with gratitude. Her name was Stephanie, and she was from the Age of Discovery. She was the daughter of a wealthy merchant who had been sailing with his family when a severe storm had sunk their ship, separating her from her loved ones.

Justin was amazed by her story and the world she came from. He was also struck by her beauty and her wisdom, and he knew that he was meant to help her. He and Stephanie worked together to find a way back to the present day, where they could start a new life together.

Chapter 5: The Dilemma

Stephanie cried "No, this can't be. I have to find a way back to my family, to my time. How can I ever be happy here? It feels like a nightmare I can't escape from. "How can I ever be happy here? It feels like a nightmare I can't escape from.”

Justin asked "What do you mean, there's no way out?"

Stephanie replied "I've been trapped here for years, I've searched for a way back but there's none. But, I've heard a story about a cursed treasure that holds the key to time travel. If we can find it, we might have a chance to return to our own time.” Justin surprised. "A cursed treasure? That sounds risky, but if it's our only option, let's do it. We have to get back to our own time.” Stephanie answered "Agreed. I'll help you find it. But, we have to be careful. The curse is real and it won't be easy."

However, they soon realized that the sea creatures of the deep were not as friendly as they once thought. The creatures guarded the treasure fiercely, and Justin and Julia had to fight for their lives to reach the wreck.

As they continued to explore the underwater world together, they encountered a group of sea creatures who were determined to protect the treasure. Stephanie revealed that the treasure was cursed and that those who tried to take it would suffer dire consequences.

Undeterred, Justin and Stephanie set out to find the lost treasure ship and recover its riches. However, they soon found themselves facing challenges they never could have imagined, as the sea creatures guarded the treasure fiercely and fought to protect it.

Chapter 6: The Miracle under the Sea

As Justin and Stephanie continued to explore the depths, they stumbled upon the treasure chest that had been the focus of their search. But to their surprise, the chest was guarded by monstrous creatures, creatures they had never seen before. They quickly realized that the treasure was cursed, and that these creatures were the result of the curse.

Stephanie shouted "Look, Justin! Those creatures over there! They must be guarding the treasure.” Justin asked "What do we do now? They look fierce.” Stephanie answered "I have an idea. Let's create a trap using those rocks and seaweed. We can lure the creatures into the trap and retrieve the treasure safely.” Justin agreed "That's a great idea, Stephanie! Let's get to work.” (They quickly gather materials and set the trap, successfully luring the creatures and retrieving the treasure.)

Together, they came up with a plan to trap the monstrous creatures and to get the treasure out of the abyss. They used their combined wisdom and knowledge of the sea to craft a plan that would keep the creatures at bay. They worked tirelessly, day and night, to create a barrier that would hold the creatures back.

Finally, their hard work paid off. The barrier was complete, and they were able to retrieve the treasure. But as they emerged from the depths, they realized that the curse was not yet broken. They would need to find a way to undo the curse and to set the creatures free, or they would be forever trapped in the abyss.

With Stephanie knowledge of the time of Great Discovery, they began to piece together the story of the curse. They learned that the curse was the result of greed and avarice, and that it had been placed on the treasure by the ancient mariners who had originally discovered it.

But despite the curse, Justin and Stephanie were determined to keep the treasure safe. They continued their work, day by day, until they finally found a way to undo the curse and to set the creatures free. And in the end, they emerged from the depths, triumphant and proud, still well in the abyss, with the treasure in their possession.

Chapter 7: Back to the Present

Justin and Stephanie returned to the present day, their journey to the depths of the sea behind them. They had succeeded in breaking the curse and retrieving the treasure, but they knew that their journey was far from over.

As they readjusted to life on the surface, they faced numerous challenges. Julia was torn between her desire to be with her family in the time of Great Discovery and her love for Justin. She struggled with the thought of leaving him behind, but she knew that she could never truly be happy without being with her family.

Justin, on the other hand, was determined to find a way to bring Stephanie back to her own time, so that she could be reunited with her family. He devoted himself to finding a solution, pouring over books and consulting with experts. But despite his best efforts, he was unable to find a way to send Stephanie back in time.

As the days passed, Justin and Stephanie grew closer, their love for each other overcoming all obstacles. They learned to cherish every moment they had together, and to find happiness in the present moment, rather than in the past or the future.

Despite the difficulties they faced, Justin and Stephanie remained well in the deep. They had each other, and they had the love that they shared. And they knew that, no matter what the future may hold, they would always be together, still well in the abyss.

As they looked out over the sea, they took comfort in knowing that their journey had brought them closer together, and that their love would endure, no matter what the future may bring. And so, hand in hand, they walked into the future, still well in the abyss, and still in love.


The story "Still Well in Abyss" is a play on words that symbolizes finding peace and comfort amidst difficulties, even in the midst of chaos and turmoil.

It expresses the hope for refuge and comfort under the protection of a powerful force, even when faced with turbulent conditions like raging seas and thundering storms. The message emphasizes the importance of finding peace and stillness in the midst of chaos by recognizing the existence and care of supernatural power, even in the wake of personal tragedy and loss. The phrase conveys a sense of peace and contentment, regardless of external circumstances.

The story "Still Well in Abyss" becomes a powerful symbol of hope and resilience, reminding us that even in the depths of trouble and turmoil, we can find peace and comfort in our faith and trust in a higher power. It encourages us to remain calm and trust in this power, even in the most challenging of situations, knowing that it is always present and in control.