Wisdoms for Life's Journey: Omnibus Fables

Wisdoms for Life's Journey: Omnibus Fables

Prelude: 8 Beatitudes

Blessed are the poor in spirit,

For they shall inherit the earth.

With humble hearts and gentle souls,

They find their truest worth.

Blessed are those who mourn,

For they shall be comforted.

With tears shed for the broken world,

They show compassion, instead.

Blessed are the meek and mild,

For they shall see God's face.

With love that flows like gentle streams,

They find their rightful place.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst,

For righteousness and truth.

With hearts that seek to serve and give,

They find eternal youth.

Blessed are the merciful,

For they shall obtain mercy.

With grace and kindness in their hearts,

They shine with love so worthy.

Blessed are the pure in heart,

For they shall see God's light.

With minds that seek to do what's right,

They find the path so bright.

Blessed are the peacemakers,

For they shall be called God's own.

With open hearts and loving hands,

They build a world atone.

Blessed are those who suffer wrong,

For they shall know great peace.

With hearts that trust in God above,

Their faith will never cease.

Let us heed these words of wisdom,

And live with love and grace.

For in the Beatitudes, we find

The path to our truest place.

Episode 1: Promises

Once upon a time, in the vastness of the sky, there were three friends, a bright and shiny Star, a warm and radiant Sun, and a playful and mischievous Wind. They loved to spend their days together, basking in the beauty of the endless blue horizon.

One day, as they were lounging on a fluffy white cloud, Star turned to Sun and said, "My dear friend, I promise to light up your day and make it shine brighter than ever before." Sun was delighted with this promise and thanked Star warmly.

But as soon as Wind heard this, he grew greedy and envious. "Why would you promise something to Sun alone?" he asked, "What about me? I want you to make my days brighter too."

Star tried to explain that he had made a promise to Sun and couldn't go back on his word. But Wind persisted, begging and pleading until Star finally gave in and promised to make Wind's days brighter as well.

As time went on, Star tried his best to fulfill both promises, but it proved to be impossible. He found that the more he shone for Wind, the less he could shine for Sun. Eventually, he became so exhausted that he could barely twinkle at all.

Sun, noticing that Star's light had dimmed, asked him what was wrong. Star explained what had happened and apologized for not being able to keep his promise. Sun, however, was understanding and forgiving, realizing that sometimes promises cannot be kept when they conflict with each other.

Wind, on the other hand, was furious. "You promised me too!" he yelled at Star, "Why aren't you shining for me anymore?"

Star tried to explain once again, but Wind was too angry to listen. He stormed off in a huff, leaving Star feeling sad and disappointed.

In the end, Sun and Star remained friends, and Sun appreciated the effort Star had made to keep his promise. Wind, however, had nothing but his own greed and selfishness, and he ended up with nothing at all. 

The lesson of this fable is that promises should be made carefully and kept as best as possible, and that greed can lead to disappointment and loss.

Episode 2: Dedication

Once upon a time, in a lush forest, there was a colony of ants who lived in a cozy underground burrow. Among them was a young ant named Dedication, who was known for his unwavering diligence and hard work.

One day, a heavy rainstorm struck the forest, and the water flooded the ants' burrow. While some ants panicked and scurried around in confusion, Dedication quickly sprang into action. He rallied his fellow ants and led them in a coordinated effort to gather pebbles, twigs, and leaves to build a new, stronger burrow on higher ground.

Despite the heavy rain and the rushing water, Dedication and his fellow ants worked tirelessly day and night, carrying load after load of materials to build their new home. Some ants grew tired and wanted to take a break, but Dedication reminded them that their survival depended on their hard work and dedication.

Finally, after days of hard work, the new burrow was complete. It was sturdy, strong, and built on solid ground. As the rain subsided, Dedication and the other ants looked around to see the destruction caused by the storm. The burrows of some other animals had collapsed, and their inhabitants were struggling to survive.

Dedication realized that the metaphor of building a house on solid rock, rather than on sand, was true not only for humans but also for animals. The ants' dedication and hard work had paid off, and they had survived the storm.

From that day on, Dedication became a respected leader among his fellow ants, and they all looked up to him for his unwavering dedication to their community. The lesson of this fable is that only the diligent and faithful ones survive, and hard work and dedication always pay off in the end.

Episode 3: Self

Once upon a time, in a peaceful garden, there lived a beautiful and pure white Dove. She was known for her honesty, humility, and patience, and all the animals in the garden admired her for her virtues.

One day, a group of birds flew into the garden, led by a proud and arrogant Eagle. The Eagle looked around the garden and sneered at the other animals, thinking that they were all beneath him. He boasted about his strength, speed, and power, and challenged any animal in the garden to a contest.

All the animals were scared of the Eagle, except for the Dove. She calmly approached the Eagle and said, "I accept your challenge, but on one condition. Let us compete in a contest of honesty, humility, and patience, and let the winner be the one who wins the battle against his inner self."

The Eagle laughed at the Dove's proposal, thinking that she was weak and foolish. But he agreed to the contest, thinking that he would easily win.

The contest began, and the Dove and the Eagle were given a task to complete. They had to carry a feather to the top of a hill and back, without dropping it or tearing it. The Eagle, being proud and impatient, flew swiftly to the top of the hill, grabbed the feather, and flew back down as fast as he could. However, on the way down, he tore the feather with his sharp talons, and it fell to the ground in pieces.

The Dove, on the other hand, flew calmly to the top of the hill, picked up the feather gently in her beak, and slowly made her way back down. She was patient and humble, making sure to hold the feather securely without damaging it.

When they reached the bottom of the hill, the other animals examined the feathers and declared the Dove the winner. The Eagle, realizing that he had lost, was ashamed of his arrogance and apologized to the other animals for his behavior.

The Dove forgave the Eagle, and they both learned a valuable lesson. The Dove showed that true strength comes from within, from one's honesty, humility, and patience. The Eagle learned that he needed to look at himself before he blamed others for their faults.

From that day on, the Dove became even more respected in the garden, and all the animals admired her even more for her purity and strength of character. The lesson of this fable is that one's true strength lies in their inner self, and only by battling against their own weaknesses can they truly become strong.

Episode 4: Necessity

Once upon a time, in a remote village, there lived a small and humble Swallow. She was known for her swift flight and her ability to catch insects in mid-air.

One day, a severe drought hit the village, and the fields began to dry up. The villagers were worried about their crops and their livestock, as they were all dependent on the rain. The Swallow saw their plight and decided to do something to help.

She flew around the village, searching for any source of water. She searched high and low, but all the rivers and streams had dried up, and there was no rain in sight. The Swallow felt discouraged and hopeless, as she thought there was nothing she could do to help the villagers.

But then, she remembered a small pond deep in the forest, where she used to drink water when she was younger. The pond was far away from the village, and the Swallow knew it would be a long and tiring flight. However, she also knew that the villagers needed water, and she felt it was her duty to help them.

So, she flew as fast as she could to the pond, filling her beak with water and carrying it back to the village. She made many trips, carrying as much water as she could, and the villagers were amazed at her dedication and her willingness to help.

Thanks to the Swallow's efforts, the villagers were able to survive the drought, and their crops and livestock were saved. They thanked the Swallow for her selfless act, and from that day on, they respected and admired her even more.

The lesson of this fable is that everything in the world has a purpose and a necessity. Even the smallest and seemingly insignificant creatures, like the Swallow, can make a difference in the world. The Swallow's determination and willingness to help taught the villagers that everything in the world is not useless, and that there is always hope, even in the most challenging times.

Episode 5: Irony Paradox

A seagull lived near the sea and enjoyed flying over the water. One day, he saw a shiny fish in the water and decided to catch it. He swooped down and grabbed the fish with his beak, but it was too heavy for him to lift. He tried to let go of the fish, but it was stuck in his beak. He realized that it was not a fish but a metal hook attached to a fishing line.

The seagull felt very unlucky and thought he would die. He struggled to free himself from the hook, but it only made him more tired. He wished he had never seen that fish.

Meanwhile, a fisherman on a boat saw his fishing line moving and pulled it up. He was surprised to see a seagull on his hook instead of a fish. He felt sorry for the bird and decided to help him. He gently removed the hook from his beak and set him free.

The seagull was very grateful and thanked the fisherman for saving his life. The fisherman said, "You're welcome. You may think you were unlucky today, but you never know what will happen tomorrow. Maybe this was your lucky day after all."

The next day, the seagull was flying over the sea again when he saw something shiny in the water. It looked like another fish, but he remembered what happened yesterday and decided not to chase it. He flew away from it and avoided another trap.

He thought of what the fisherman had said and realized that he was right. Sometimes bad things can turn out to be good things in disguise. The lesson of this fable is that anyone cannot judge whether something is good or bad without knowing the outcome. 

Episode 6: Reward

Once upon a time, in a lush green forest, there lived a kind and generous Squirrel. He was known for his willingness to help other animals in need.

One day, a family of rabbits came to the Squirrel, asking for his help. They were in desperate need of food, as their own stash had been destroyed by a sudden storm. The Squirrel had a large supply of nuts and seeds, but instead of keeping them all to himself, he decided to give them to the rabbits.

The Squirrel gave away all of his nuts and seeds to the rabbits without any hesitation or expectation of reward. The rabbits were grateful for his kindness and promised to repay him one day.

Months went by, and the Squirrel had forgotten about the rabbits and his act of kindness. However, one day, he heard a commotion outside his tree. When he looked outside, he saw a group of animals coming towards him. As they got closer, he saw that it was the rabbits, along with many other animals from the forest.

The animals came bearing gifts of fruits, nuts, and seeds. They thanked the Squirrel for his selflessness and generosity and offered him the rewards for his kindness.

The Squirrel was overwhelmed with gratitude, and tears filled his eyes. He had never expected any reward for his good deeds, but the animals' love and appreciation filled his heart with joy.

The lesson of this fable is that if we give away all of our possessions to those in need willingly, we may find unexpected rewards in return. The Squirrel's act of kindness brought him rewards that he never expected, and it taught him the true value of generosity and selflessness.

Episode 7: Team Up

Once upon a time, in the deep blue sea, there lived a Swordfish, an Octopus, a Dolphin, and a Seal. They were all very skilled in their own ways but were also very competitive with each other. They always tried to outdo each other, showing off their skills and talents.

One day, a group of fishermen came to the sea, and they began to catch the fish and sea creatures. The Swordfish, Octopus, Dolphin, and Seal realized that they needed to work together if they wanted to survive.

The Swordfish used his sharp bill to cut the fishing nets, while the Octopus used his tentacles to release the trapped fish. The Dolphin used his intelligence to distract the fishermen, while the Seal used his strength to push the nets away.

Together, they were able to outsmart the fishermen and save their fellow sea creatures. They realized that working as a team was much more effective than trying to outdo each other individually.

Although they had all worked together, each of them had their own unique skills and talents that had contributed to their success. They learned that while personal recognition was nice, it was more important to work together as a team, even if it meant putting personal goals aside.

From that day on, the Swordfish, Octopus, Dolphin, and Seal became the best of friends, working together to protect the sea creatures and the sea itself.

The lesson of this fable is that working as a team is more important than individual talent or recognition. The Swordfish, Octopus, Dolphin, and Seal learned that by working together, they could achieve more than they ever could have individually, and they learned to value each other's unique skills and contributions.

Episode 8: Word

Once upon a time, in a dense jungle, there lived a beautiful Parrot. She was known for her ability to imitate the sounds of different animals, and her sharp wit.

One day, the Parrot got into an argument with her best friend, a Monkey. The argument escalated, and in a fit of anger, the Parrot spoke ill of the Monkey to other animals in the jungle. She thought nothing of it at the time, but her words quickly spread, and soon the entire jungle knew of the argument between the two friends.

As time passed, the Parrot realized the error of her ways. She had not only hurt her friend but had also damaged her own reputation in the jungle. The other animals no longer trusted her and kept their distance from her.

The Parrot was filled with regret and sought to make amends with her friend. She apologized for her hurtful words and begged for forgiveness. The Monkey was hesitant at first but eventually forgave her friend.

The Parrot had learned a valuable lesson - that if you speak ill of someone you are close to, you end up harming yourself. She realized that words have great power, and that they can hurt just as much as physical actions. She vowed to always think three times before speaking and to never let her words harm those she cared about.

From that day on, the Parrot and the Monkey were once again the best of friends. The Parrot had learned that true friendship is worth more than anything, and that speaking kindly and thoughtfully was the best way to keep those friendships strong.

The lesson of this fable is that we should always think carefully before we speak, especially when it comes to those we care about. Words can hurt just as much as physical actions, and it's important to use them wisely and kindly. The Parrot learned this lesson the hard way but was able to make amends and strengthen her friendships through her newfound wisdom.

Epilog: Environment

Once upon a time, in a dense forest, there lived a graceful Deer. She was known for her speed and agility, and for her wise and peaceful nature.

One day, the Deer was wandering through the forest when she came across a group of animals huddled together, listening intently to a Sparrow singing a beautiful melody. The Deer was curious and approached the group to listen.

As the Sparrow sang, the Deer realized that the song was a primer - a lesson on how to live wisely in the world. The Sparrow sang of the importance of living with virtue, of treating others with kindness and respect, and of being mindful of one's impact on the environment.

The Deer was moved by the Sparrow's message, and she began to see the world around her in a new light. She noticed the beauty of the forest, the delicate balance of the ecosystem, and the interdependence of all living things.

The Deer began to live her life with greater wisdom and virtue. She was careful not to harm the plants and animals around her, and she treated all creatures with kindness and respect. She became a leader in the forest, respected by all who knew her for her wisdom and her gentle nature.

The Deer realized that it wasn't wealth or power that made a valuable life, but rather living with wisdom and virtue. She had learned this lesson from the Sparrow's song and was grateful for the gift of knowledge that it had given her.

The lesson of this fable is that we should live our lives with wisdom and virtue, and that we should be mindful of our impact on the environment. Like the Deer, we should strive to treat all creatures with kindness and respect, and to live in harmony with the natural world around us. The Sparrow's song had taught the Deer this lesson, and she had become a better, more valuable creature for it.